So. This drawing is all about getting BEYOND it. Getting something done that you know you need to get done, and getting it out of the way -- hopefully on to a brighter tomorrow when I go back to the excitement of drawing a new bird out of my jar and getting it down on paper the same day, rather than sitting on it for near 3 weeks, dwelling on how little time I have to draw anymore, stressing out that I have no time to draw, freaking out that I feel like I have already forgotten to draw.
So. Today's bird (the three-week-ago bird) is the Sulfur Bellied Flycatcher, which is actually a totally cool bird we've only seen a couple of times down in southern Arizona way up in the tops of the trees, completely unmistakable with their bright orange underparts and brown streaked backs. I don't have much else to say about this wonderful amazing bird other than the fact that I'm extremely relieved to have something - anything - down on paper so I can move on to the next bird. Amen!