Saturday, October 18, 2014

#34: Black Crowned Night Heron

Here's an oldie but goodie. This is a Black-Crowned Night Heron in colored pencil on black card stock. I drew this in 2007, at the beginning of our birdwatching adventures.

Black Crowned Night Herons are pretty easy to find around the Phoenix area. They nest in the trees around the ponds at the Gilbert Water Ranch, and you can also find them in the Nature Conservancy park right next to downtown Phoenix.

I really love the colors on these big shorebirds, along with that elegant tuft wafting from the tops of their heads. But the best thing about BCNH's is the noise they make. They're nicknamed "sea dogs" because of the loud barking noise they make when you startle them and they fly off.


  1. It almost boggles my eyes to see these drawings and know a real woman human person created them. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you pulled them out of a book and posted them. :-D nyet slov ... for now.... m

    1. Hi Mike, so nice to hear from you! Hope you are doing well. How is Colorado? Email me and let's catch up some day suz_lyn @ yahoo dot com
