5x7, Colored pencil on sketch paper.
I'm not much into shorebirds, mainly because I'm terrible at ID-ing them, and many of them look the same to me yet. This little guy (gal?) is a prime example. Umm... Least Sandpiper? Western Sandpiper? We think Least, based on the yellow legs. So there we go.
It is amazing, when you stop to think about it, that we see such a variety of shorebirds here in central Arizona, in the middle of the desert. Who knew? But there they are, sometimes in flocks, sometimes solitary, hanging out on our dammed-up rivers, man-made watersheds and golf course ponds. And even, so I've heard, around some swimming pools. I'm glad they've found places to take rest here with us on their migration travels across the continent. Arizona is a nice place to see.
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