Sunday, January 2, 2011

#23: Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher

I decided to draw this on an ATC, Art Trading Card, which means it's all of 2.5" x 3.5"

I also drew it in really poor lighting, so let that be a lesson to me going forward. Anyway, gnatcatchers seem industrious and quirky to me. I love the buzzy whistling noise they make in the palo verde trees around here. I hardly ever know if I'm seeing a blue-gray gnatcatcher or a black-tailed gnatcatcher, and to prove that point, I was supposed to have drawn a blue-gray gnatcatcher and selected this picture, only to realize later, thanks to Randy re-examining things, that it is a black-tailed.


  1. They catch gnats in that tiny beak? I do well to get them with my hand.

    On such a small card, too... I guess that makes him about lifesized?

  2. Life tends to resist categorization anyway, doesn't it?
    I'm terrible at identifying some species. Sparrows? Come on, have some pride. Differentiate yourselves!
